Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Updates-Desktop Calendars, stationery-new formats, wallpaper-new size

Hi everyone. I know I haven't posted for awhile but I've been busy! I got onto my new Win7 computer a couple of weeks ago and getting used to it, getting programs working, etc. I have a lot of December desktop calendars for you and some January ones already as well.  Desktop Calendars
 I rewrote my Stationery Usage tutorial as I found some differences in Win 7, mainly because there's no Outlook Express. Windows Live Mail in Windows 7 can not use stationery. I am now offering my stationery in a zip file for Outlook and Thunderbird and any other program that uses stationery. You simply unzip it to the correct folder (as outlined in my tutorial).  I may not offer my new and edited stationery in eml format any more as I have no way of making it without Outlook Express. But I am trying out a new free program called Mokum Mail Lite that can use Incredimail stationery and may allow me to make eml format, I have to figure out how to use it when I get a few minutes. For these reasons, at the moment, my newest stationery and ones I edit that have to be redone for copyright, etc, will be offered in Incredimail (imf), Outlook Express (self-extracting exe or zip format), Outlook and Thunderbird (zip format) and possibly eml format for Windows Vista Mail.
 I have also added the netbook/tablet size wallpaper to the Christmas Wallpaper and Winter Wallpaper pages.
 I think that's it for now!
 Have a great night!
 Hugs, Ellie

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