Thursday, June 30, 2011

2 July Desktop Calendar up-Canada Day stationery and wallpaper pages uploaded

Hi everyone. Been having computer problems and spent the last week in mortal combat with my computer to see who would win my big hard drive, the one with all of my kits, templates, etc on it. I WON!! Finally. And didn't lose too much either.
Anyway, I'm running behind on everything now.
I've just uploaded the first two July Desktop Calendars, both are for Canada Day or any patriotic Canadians. They aren't necessarily just for Canada Day.
I also put up my Canada Day wallpaper page, again that wallpaper can be used any time of year, and the matching stationery is up on my new Canada Day stationery page.
Tomorrow I'll work on some more Desktop Calendars and also work on getting my July 4th stationery page up (I thought it already was!). My July 4th wallpaper page is already up.
Have a great day! Happy Canada Day tomorrow to my fellow Canadians.
Hugs, Ellie

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New FTU tut-I Like to Shop

I have another FTU tutorial up called I Like to Shop. It's for PSP. Click on the link or the image to get to it.

I am having a wonderful time writing these tuts, I hope you have fun doing them!
Have a great day,
Hugs, Ellie

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Another new tut up-Summer Lovin'

Hi everyone. I've got the next tutorial up, a summer one called Summer Lovin'. Just for PSP at the moment.Go here to see it or click on the image.

I hope you like it! Send me your results, I'd love to see them.Hugs, Ellie

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New July 4th tutorial for PSP and PhotoImpact

Hi everyone. Believe it or not I wrote 3 tutorials while I was gone camping last week! I just loved it, I've been wanting to get back to tut writing for quite awhile but kept thinking I had to get the rest of the site uploaded first. But then while I was gone just decided to get started. Kind of difficult as I had no internet connection and had to rely heavily on my memory (never a good thing) to make sure to use supplies where the sites were still open. It worked this time, they were all open!
I have the first one uploaded, it's called Proud to be an American and you can probably tell it's a July 4th tut, but if you take off the Happy 4th word art, you can just be Proud to be an American! I wrote it for both PSP and PhotoImpact.

I hope you like it! I'll try and get the other 2 done and uploaded in the next couple of days. One's a summer one and one is . . . well . . . just a girly one!
I have to get some desktop calendars started this week too as we are going camping again next week.I'll make up the stationery and wallpaper to match this tag also.
Have a great day and I hope you enjoy the tut!
Hugs, Ellie

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New page on my site - My Favorite Software

Hi everyone. I've just added a new page to my site where I will share info about my favorite software. It's a page I've been planning for awhile, in response to questions I've received from site visitors about what software I use most often. I have lots of freeware and very inexpensive shareware that I use every day.
I've just added my first entry to that page and hope to add to it soon.
I just found a wonderful new computer Calendar to replace an old outdated one I was using. It's called Efficient Calendar and you can find my review here. I just love it! Check out my info and see if you like it too!
Hopefully I'll be back to you soon with some new stuff. I have some summer tags made, I just need to make them into my "stuff"! LOL
Have a great day!
Hugs, Ellie