Saturday, September 5, 2009

Huge update to Great Beginnings Page coming up

Hi everyone. Just got back from a 10 day camping trip and I spent half of it in the trailer adding over 1300 links to my Great Beginnings page, over 200 in PSP English tuts and over a thousand in the Scrap Designer's section. I've just got to run it through a dead links checker and I'll upload it in a day or two. I didn't have the net while camping so couldn't check the links as I went along. The Scrap Designer's update was so overwhelming that I kept putting off updating the page but I just took the bit between my teeth and went to work! Nose to the grindstone, and all that. LOL Checking the links and going back and forth deleting and updating is now picnic either with that many links to check!
I'll let you know when I have it uploaded. Then it's back to work on updating all of my stationery and wallpaper pages. I've bought a ton of tubes and have to make my stuff as copyright compliant as I can.
Take care,
Hugs, Ellie

1 comment:


Hi Ellie~!!!!!!!!!!
Well Bless your Heart for all your hard work while on Vacation. You are so treasured by all sweetie.
This is Soft Hugs Ellie, you have been to my blog. My blog is tired out right
love ya, Soft Hugs Ellie