Friday, May 30, 2008

Update-June Desktop Calendars, new desktop wallpaper and stationery

I've just finished creating and uploading 4 new desktop calendars for June.
I've also uploaded 10 new desktop wallpaper in regular and wide-screen sizes and 8 new stationery in Incredimail, Outlook Express and eml formats. In both the wallpaper and the stationery, 2 are summer ones and 1 is a Father's Day one.
I hope you find something you like!
I may make a scrap and blinkie calendars tomorrow if I find the time, but no promises. I really would like to get back to it though, so keep your fingers crossed. I'll announce it here if I do make them.
Have a great weekend!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

New translation from new tutorial writer to my site

An Italian tutorial writer, Futura, asked me to translate her tutorials into English and they are beautiful! I've just done my first one for her, a Father's Day one called Festa del Papà.
Here's a small example:

I've included extra words with the tutorial so you can make it without a date on it, to use in other years. I've also included the font I used in case you want to make your own words for it. If you head to her site to see her tutorials, they are password protected, so you'll have to write her for the password. Or you can wait and see them here. LOL
I have a few stationery and wallpaper to make, I've done the headers, just have to get around to making the rest of the parts, such as backgrounds, etc. and get them assembled and uploaded. I hope to have that done soon.
Hubby wanted to go camping this weekend, sprung it on me as a surprise, and I was glad he changed his mind as it's still a bit chilly and we aren't really prepared yet. We are heading to the Toronto Zoo tomorrow, my health has improved enough with all of the weight loss (68 pounds so far) that I can do all the walking (it's huge)! Woohoo!!
I still can't eat many solid foods and I see another surgeon on June 5th to see what the problem is, as my original surgeon was extremely rude and unpleasant about helping me out. Apparently, the only thing he wants to hear from me is that I'm fine. Anything else is either ignored or criticized (after 6 months of no solid foods, apparently I'm being "too impatient", even though I was supposed to be able to eat solids after one month. Does that make sense? No, not to me either LOL).
Enough about me, at least I'm a lot healthier and continuing to improve in health all the time. Thanks to Atkins Protein shakes and bars (a little plug for my favorites). Have a great weekend everyone!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Update-Mother's Day and Father's Day stationery and wallpaper plus more!

I have 3 new Mother's Day stationeries and 1 new Father's Day stationery, in all formats (imf, exe and eml) with matching wallpaper for all.
I also have 3 new simple background wallpapers and 2 new wallpapers with "My Desktop" on them. I hope you like them!
Find them here: New Stationery New Wallpaper
Have a super weekend!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Third update today-Mother's-Father's day sections in wallpaper and stationery, new stationery and wallpaper

Third update today: I just created and uploaded two new sections, Mother's Day-Father's Day Wallpaper and Mother's Day-Father's Day stationery.
I also added a few more New Stationery and New Wallpaper.
I would like to make a couple more Mother's Days stationery and wallpaper in the next day or two, but don't hold me to it! LOL I'll try.

Second update today: 16 new links to English PSP Tuts-Great Beginnings page

I added 16 new links to English PSP Tutorial section on my Great Beginnings page, corrected link to Hood's Tutorials and deleted a few dead links in the same section.

New translation-With Love Scrap Tag

I've got a new translation up, one of Marian's scrap tag tutorials, called With Love and it's for PSP.
Here's a small example:

I have some new stationery and wallpaper to upload today and I'm working on adding a new Mother's Day-Father's Day section to both the stationery and desktop wallpaper sections. I'm hoping to have it done later today. So hopefully, this won't be the last of me you see today! LOL Have a great one!