Sunday, April 4, 2010

my site is not gone for good

Hi everyone. Many of you have been writing me and asking about my site. It's not gone for good, my hosting company made some kind of error and made my account inactive, possibly thinking my account expired in March 2010 instead of March 2011. That's the only thing I can think of. I've contacted their customer service and he said my account is inactive. I said why? He said it expired, I've only renewed for 3 years. I said right, that was in 2008 and this is 2010, 2 years. Oh yeah, he says, I see that now. So he said he'd get in touch with the right people and let them know and I'd hear back in 24-48 hours. That was on Friday. Being a holiday weekend I don't expect to hear back from them till at least Tuesday. But I'll be back! I'm only hoping they don't delete my site before that, at the moment I can still connect with my ftp program so I know the files are still there. Wish me luck!
Thanks to those who wrote and inquired about it, I'm glad you're missing me!
Have a great Easter.
Hugs, Ellie

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